David Schmutz
‘S’ Rated USEF Dressage Judge
RETIRED FEI Level 3 Para Dressage Judge
Bronze-Silver-Gold USDF medals
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Who is David Schmutz?
David Schmutz was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. He starting riding late in life, while in graduate school for his MBA. He had the great opportunity to ride with a very prominent elderly attorney, who needed one of his three horse exercised. During many mornings, they would meet at 6am where they would ride the trails of Griffith Park in Los Angeles. After graduate school, David purchased his own horse, a thoroughbred, and continued training on the Griffith park trails and local jumping arenas.
When the Olympics came to Los Angeles in 1984, David was exposed the the discipline of Dressage. The exposure changed his entire focus …permanently.
While owning and managing “The Paddock Riding Club” in Los Angeles, he graduated the USDF ‘L’ Program with distinction and then received his USEF Dressage ‘r’ certification.
It was while working on his promotion to become a USEF ‘R’ Dressage judge, that USEF offered a clinic on judging Para Equestrian riders. Through the help of international judges Inger Bryant and Anita Own, David obtained his IPEC (International Para Equestrian Committee) approval. Not long after, the FEI also began approving these types of competitions, Dave received his FEI card as a level 3 Para Judge. In 2023, David elected to retire his FEI card, now making himself available for online horse shows as a judge.
David continues to enjoy helping both able-bodied and para athletes achieve their best.


New Rule Changes for 2022 Address Rider Show Attire
Each competition year, new USEF rule changes come into force- riders need to be aware of the specific USEF Dressage Division rule changes as of December 1, 2021. Now the rule change in DR120 will now dictate specifically what show attire is allowed at USEF-rated competitions. There is now a greater clarification of what is […]

The Florida 2021 show season has formally begun with three FEI Dressage competitions (CDIs) having been held by the end of January. A total of eight CDIs will be held in Wellington, two in Ocala at the new World Equestrian Center and two in Tryon, North Carolina. One might think that the effect of Covid-19 […]

Despite the Covid crisis, dressage competitions have been held throughout the US for the last six months with surprisingly steady rider attendance. Competitors felt the need to escape the grim reality of the pandemic while continuing the development of each horse’s talent. The USDF Regional Finals were also well attended, with competitors happy to return […]

Readers of my articles posted here may remember my observations on the protean US dressage show scene. So much has changed in the show market in the last five years. It seems that most readers have agreed with these observations. Well, as the saying goes, ‘you ain’t seen nothin’ yet’ The effects of the last […]
David With Trainer Lars Holmberg

Bishop-burton Panel

Dressage with the experts!

Deauville 2019
Contact David Schmutz
David Schmutz
Office: +1-818-242-6247
Mobile Phone: +1-818-471-7062
Email: davidschmutzjudge@gmail.com